DISCLAIMER: I have always contemplated on doing this list, and I think this is the time to do it. Unlike other lists, I will not make this one set in stone; meaning the order can be changed at any time as well as additions can be added. Keep in mind this is my opinion, and it shouldn't be taken as fact. Do comment on what episodes are your favourite!
NOTE: There is no ranking order. None of these are from 1-10 and is just a random list of the best RM episodes (IMO).
SUPERPOWER Episode (Ep. 74)
Once in a while, you will find an episode which will make you literally go "Wow!". This is the epitome of those kind of episodes. From start till end, you will find yourself laughing, cheering and your heart pounding because this episode has it all. From name tag ripping, to cool super powers and Monday Couple moments.
Those amazing superpowers though! (Time Controller was my favourite by the way)
That twist though! (I did not see that coming, seriously made the episode twice as good, literally)
Them Monday Couple feels though!
Yooruce Willis (Episode 13)
This episode isn't on many people's lists as one of the best, because it wasn't as flashy or as high production as other episodes. But this episode is what got me hooked on Running Man. I remember watching this episode on the day it came out, completely on the edge of my seat. In my opinion, this type of format still brings back so many memories/nostalgia. The standard Running Man format for the early episodes was games, games and name tag ripping all in one building/area. Name tag ripping was always the last game, and made you so excited when it finally hit that segment.
The hilarious Lee Kwang Soo antics
This moment
The famous Yooruce Willis name tag defining moment that left me in utmost shock and awe
SURVIVAL, Best Running Man Competition Episode (Ep. 42)
This was an obvious choice. Running Man - name tag ripping, see who's the best. Go! (That's pretty much what the PD's had intended and boy did it deliver a show).
Such a simple concept, such fun to watch. Truly a classic episode and I hope they will make this a regular (The second battle being also on this list)
"The guy with two lives"
Tell me you haven't imagined yourself in name tag ripping game. Man how I wish I can join in. Would be LEGENDARY (How I Met Your Mother reference for those who care)
Park Ji Sung Episodes (Episode 96, 97 and 153, 154)
I decided to lump together all of Park Ji Sung's appearances. Literally every episode the Oxygen Tank appears in is pure comedic gold. The guy has a serious knack for variety shows, more so than any other guest. I feel that Ji Sung should appear in at least 2 more episodes. I expect him to again continue that tradition in this years Asian Dream Cup.
The Oxygen Tank himself |
Olympics Episode (Son Yeon Jae, Park Tae Hwan) (Ep. 109, 110)
MARINE BOYEEE! Seriously, I can't help but sing along to that theme song. Park Tae Hwan and Son Yeon Jae delievered an incredibly enjoyable episode(s) full of laughter and fun. Park Tae Hwan is a total bad-ass as well.
Note: I'd also like to add that I have a massive crush on Son Yeon Jae. Not creepy at all because I'm younger than her (not by much though). She is so adorable and pretty ASKLJDLASAS FANBOY MODE
Seriously? Look how cute she is! |
I'd also like to factor in the incredible name tag - ripping game (episode 110). Literally even the staff were shocked when Park Tae Hwan and Kim Jong Kook were revived.
Choi Min Soo HUNTING (Episode 52)
I'd like to make a note of the fact that only episode 52 is on this list. Choi Min Soo's second appearance was good (but the fact that the rest of the members weren't really involved threw me off).
- Small Rant Begin -
I did not find Choi Min Soo's third appearance to be particularly entertaining and somewhat distasteful. He literally took scripted variety to an all time high. Some of the stuff he made the Running Man members do were somewhat annoying, and borderline offensive. I don't blame him for trying to replicate episode 52's aura, but it wasn't the same.
Also, where the hell did Park Bo Young go? Maybe the subs I was watching didn't explain her absence, but she just disappeared.
- Small Rant End -
Anyway, Choi Min Soo's first appearance was so well done. Throughout the episode, we are lulled into a peaceful game with snippets of what's to come. The episode literally took a 180 into scareville'. The final moments of the episode were one of the best, also props to Ace Jihyo for still pulling off the win.
SNSD Special Episode (Ep. 63)
I admit, I used to be a huge SNSD fan, you might even have called me a SONE, if you will. Note: SONE is the name of SNSD's fandom members. So when the news came out the SNSD would be on Running Man, I was ecstatic - hell I was more than ecstatic. I literally could not wait until this episode came out.
Naturally, when I saw this episode - I fanboyed for the whole 2 hours or so. It was actually kind of weird, since right after the episodes finished and I went down from my Girls Generation high, I was actually turned off from watching Running Man for a few weeks. I felt like Running Man couldn't get any better. Obviously, I was wrong and stupid for thinking that; it's also kind of funny looking back at it now that I'm not really into SNSD as much.
But all in all, it was a good two episodes and it was hilarious to see the men of Running Man enjoy themselves for two episodes. Kind of sucked that Ji Hyo was sick at the time.
Baseball Super Powers Episode (Ep. 119)
Another one of those 'good guests = good episode.' Here we have great guests in Ryu Hyun Jin and Choo Shin-soo. Jin Se-yeon was also a guest, but didn't really stick out much. Who would have thought that two baseball pros would make such amazing variety show guests.
I feel that if this was any other show than Running Man, those two guests would have been bored to death.
The final baseball game is definitely the highlight of the show, other than Gary's all-kill in ddakkji.
Kim Byung Man Episode (Episode 28)
I thought long and hard about whether or not to include this episode, because it didn't have amazing beginning (Find the Guest wasn't my favourite). But the segments in between and the end was unforgettable. I realised that when I was thinking back on the episode, I was getting nostalgic. And if that doesn't signal best episode, I don't know what will.
The diet karaoke will forever be my go-to episode for boredom. When I've got nothing to do, I'll chuck on this episode and enjoy away. The sheer fun that the members are having, with the return of Turbo Kim Jong Kook and Haha dance copycat, reminded me of their X-Man days. Monday Couple was also in full effect. Also, Sudden Commander Gary's first appearance with the win on Byung Man's challenge.
This episode wasn't special in the conventional way, but it worked so well and I had so much fun watching it that it has to be included on this list.
Fool Gary Episode (Ep. 60)
This episode was definitely different. This was the first time where we centered an entire episode on fooling a member of the crew. Usually we’d get a segment in the beginning (a 1 vs x) sort of thing. Basically the entire premise of this episode was to fool Gary into thinking that he was a spy, which all the members did perfectly and humorously.
The great thing about this episode was how mysterious it was. You’d think that after fooling Gary, the plot would end there - but interestingly, the last scene of the episode featured Gary walking with a limp; ala ‘Usual Suspects.’ To this day, no-one knows for sure if Gary knew the entire time (because Gary is known to not be able to lie well). Man, if he did; that would be the greatest prank.
Well you've reached the end of this list, technically this doesn't exist because this list will always be updated. I will definitely add episodes once I re-watch all the episodes, as well as new episodes that come out. I still need to contemplate if the episode is amazing, or just great. Pretty much all episodes are good/great. Also, I tend to watch episodes when I'm eating something, and I usually have certain episodes that I love watching whilst eating - and this doesn't necessarily make the episode amazing; but fun to watch whilst eating, if that makes any sense whatsoever.